Ben Adkins – Trivia Money

Ben Adkins – Trivia Money

Ben Adkins – Trivia Money

If you’re in the business of helping local companies grow, you’ve likely faced the challenge of finding innovative and effective ways to engage potential customers. Traditional methods can sometimes feel stale, and standing out in a crowded market is no easy feat. That’s where Ben Adkins’ Trivia Money system comes into play—a creative approach that’s designed to not only capture attention but also drive real, measurable results for your clients.

Course ScreenShot

Ben Adkins – Trivia Money

What Exactly is the Trivia Money System?

At its core, the Trivia Money system is a marketing strategy that leverages the power of engaging trivia to attract and retain customers. It’s designed with local businesses in mind, helping them turn casual interest into genuine engagement, which ultimately leads to more sales and a stronger customer base. And for marketing agencies, this system is a goldmine, offering a service that can be sold for $500 per month per client—on repeat.

But what makes this system really stand out is its simplicity and effectiveness. Let’s break down what you get when you dive into the Trivia Money course.

Part 1: The “Trivia Money” System from 10,000 Feet

Before you can start implementing the system, it’s crucial to understand how all the pieces fit together. In this first part, Ben Adkins offers a bird’s-eye view of the entire system. You’ll learn how this strategy can be used to generate consistent leads and engagement for any local business. This isn’t just a random collection of tactics; it’s a well-oiled machine that, when executed properly, can become a reliable source of income for your agency and a powerful tool for your clients.

Part 2: The “Social Story Trivia” Psychological Hook

Trivia isn’t just about asking random questions and hoping someone bites. It’s about creating a psychological hook that’s hard for people to resist. In this section, Ben walks you through how to craft trivia stories that not only engage but compel people to take action. Imagine turning a simple trivia question into a flood of inquiries in your client’s inbox—this is how you take a business from struggling to thriving.

By understanding the psychology behind why people love trivia, you can create content that feels less like marketing and more like entertainment—content that people actively seek out and share.

Part 3: The “Social Story Funnel”

Once you’ve hooked potential customers with your trivia stories, it’s time to guide them through a well-constructed funnel. The Social Story Funnel is designed to turn a single trivia interaction into an ever-growing list of engaged leads. Ben provides the blueprint for building this funnel, ensuring that each step is optimized for capturing leads and nurturing them until they’re ready to make a purchase.

This funnel is the engine that keeps your client’s marketing efforts running smoothly, generating new leads daily and converting them into loyal customers.

Part 4: How to Get “Social Story Trivia” Clients for $500/Month

One of the biggest challenges for any agency is client acquisition. In this part of the course, Ben shares his proven strategies for finding and signing clients who are willing to pay $500 per month for your trivia marketing services. You’ll learn who to target, how to pitch the service, and how to close deals consistently.

This isn’t just theory—Ben provides practical steps that you can implement immediately to start building your client base.

Part 5: Set It Up Once, Get Paid Forever

The beauty of the Trivia Money system is in its scalability and automation. Once you’ve set everything up for a client, you can automate the process to ensure they continue seeing results without requiring constant hands-on management from you. This means you get to keep getting paid while spending minimal time maintaining the system.

Ben walks you through how to set up everything in a way that’s efficient and sustainable, ensuring that your clients stay happy and you keep getting paid.

Bonus #1: The Social Story Canva Templates

Creating trivia content can be time-consuming, but with the Social Story Canva Templates, Ben gives you a head start. These templates are the same ones he uses with his clients, and they’re designed to be easy to edit and customize. Whether you’re creating trivia for a restaurant, a retail store, or any other type of local business, these templates will help you get the job done quickly and effectively.

Bonus #2: Chat GPT Niche Trivia Prompts

Creating engaging trivia questions is an art, but Ben makes it easier with Chat GPT Niche Trivia Prompts. This bonus shows you how to leverage AI to generate trivia questions that are perfectly tailored to your client’s audience. This not only saves you time but also ensures that the trivia is always relevant and engaging.

Bonus #3: Selling Your “Trivia Packs” to Other Marketers and Businesses

Why stop at just offering trivia as a service? In this bonus section, Ben shows you how to package and sell your trivia content to other marketers and businesses. This opens up a whole new revenue stream for your agency, allowing you to profit from your trivia expertise without needing to provide ongoing service.

Why Trivia Money Works

The Trivia Money system works because it taps into something that people naturally enjoy—testing their knowledge and having fun. But it’s not just about entertainment; it’s about creating a memorable experience that leads to engagement, which in turn leads to sales. By turning marketing into a game, you make it less intrusive and more effective.

Who is This Course For?

If you’re running a marketing agency, managing local business accounts, or just looking for a unique way to engage customers, the Trivia Money system is a perfect fit. It’s designed to be easy to implement, scalable, and, most importantly, effective. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, Ben’s step-by-step approach ensures that you can pick up the system and start seeing results quickly.

Final Thoughts: Is Trivia Money Worth It?

In a world where everyone is bombarded with ads and marketing messages, standing out is more important than ever. The Trivia Money system offers a fresh approach to local marketing, combining the power of engaging content with the effectiveness of a well-crafted funnel.

Not only does it help local businesses attract and retain customers, but it also offers a lucrative opportunity for marketing agencies to add a unique service to their portfolio. With the added bonuses and Ben’s clear, actionable teaching style, the Trivia Money course is an investment that can pay off quickly—both in terms of income and client satisfaction.

If you’re ready to take your marketing game to the next level and offer a service that clients can’t resist, the Trivia Money system is well worth your consideration.

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